Еvrotech EOOD is an importer and a distributor of pumps and valves, manufactured by European companies. The products we deliver are mainly used in the following industries: food and beverages, pharmaceutical, cosmetics, chemical and petrochemical, ceramic, cellulose, water treatment and water preparation.
Evrotech EOOD is an exclusive or authorized dealer of the following companies and products:
ANDRITZ Separation, a division of the international technology Group ANDRITZ – screens, filter-presses, decanter centrifuges, thickeners, thermal dryers, sludge conveyors.
ASCO NUMATICS, a part of the Emerson Industrial Automation– solenoid and pressure operated valves, pilot valves, proportional valves, spool valves, pneumatic components and accessories.
DESMI ROTAN – internal gear pumps for a wide range of mediums, including cooling fluids, bitumen, asphalt, oils, chocolate. Also available in stainless steel and with magnetic coupling.
KSB – pumps, valves, spare parts and system.
euroTECH Vertriebs GmbH – euroTECH is a capable, technically practiced and innovative partner at eye level that doesn’t just sell vacuum components. The company comes with a comprehensive treasure of experience and know how with focus on the wood and glass industry and offers integrated, reliable and affordable handling and automation solutions from one hand.
LUTZ PUMPEN – drum and container pumps, air operated double-diaphragm pumps, centrifugal pumps with magnetic coupling (plastic), flowmeters.
LUTZ-JESCO – dosing and metering pumps (diaphragm and piston), vacuum-chlorinators and accessories, chemical centrifugal pumps. Measurement and control of different parameters in water disinfection and preparation.
NETZSCH Pumps and Systems – progressive cavity pumps for transfer and dosing of viscous fluids. Rotary lobe pumps and accessories.
ASCO NUMATICS SIRAI – Solenoid valves. General purpose valves, total separation solenoid valves (dry), pinch valves, coffee machine valves and components, coils and solenoids.
SPECK PUMPEN – centrifugal pumps, heat transfer pumps, submersibles pumps, side channel pumps, boiler feed pumps, displacement pumps. Liquid ring vacuum pumps.
SPECK TRIPLEX PUMPEN – Speck High Pressure Plunger Pumps.
If you are looking for a specific product, not listed in our website, please contact us.
Following the trends of the business areas we are focused in, we always increase the scope of products and offer the most up-to-date solutions in the market. As an authorized dealer Evrotech EOOD always offers the best prices for the products of the listed suppliers, we are providing professional consultation in the selection of the best equipment, thus guarantying the constant high quality of the delivered goods. We believe that this way Evrotech EOOD helps for the development of the Bulgarian industry.
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